
1.   What is the difference between Newtonian fluid and Non-newtonian fluid?
A)     A Newtonian fluid is the fluid that follows the Newton's laws of motion. It is also the fluid whose motion is directly proportional to the shear stress. Since its motion is always proportional to the shear stress, which means a strong force results a big motion and a weak force results a small motion, it is easy to predict the motion of a Newtonian fluid if the shear stress is known.
         A Non-Newtonian fluid is the fluid that does not necessarily follow the Newton's laws of motion. Respectively, its motion would be irregular depending on the amount of force.  

2.   If someone accidently falls into the bath of oobleck and cannot make his way out, what would you recommend him to do? Why?

A)     If someone accidently falls into the bath of oobleck, he should not push himself hard to come out of the fluid. Also, he should not try to come out fast. Oobleck, a shear thickening fluid, gets more thick and hardened when strong force is applied to it.  Therefore, to make his way out, he should relax and try to come out as slowly as possible.

3.   List at least Three examples of everyday Non-Newtonian fluid.

A)     Ketchup, Mustard, Whipped cream, Ice cream caramel topping, Honey, Custard, Oobleck, etc.
There are many Non-Newtonian fluids but they are distinguished into different kinds: Shear-stress-dependent and time-dependent.

**   In 2030, a Non-Newtonian armor has been invented. Would you prefer to use this armor? Or would you prefer to use heavy armed armor? Why and Why not?

 A)      (free answer)